Use a Flowchart to Build an Expression

If you want to use an expression that comprises a series of Boolean comparisons, you can use the Flowchart Editor to graphically build that expression:

  1. Right-click on the required cell in the Data Set Row.
    A context sensitive menu is displayed.

  2. Select the Flow Chart option.
    The Expression Flowchart window is displayed.

    The Expression Flowchart window allows you to create IIF expressions in a diagram format.

  3. Build the required expression using the Flowchart window. (For more information on using the Expression Flowchart window, see Expression Flowchart in the ClearSCADA Guide to Expressions.)


  4. Select the OK button on the Expression Flowchart window.
    The window is closed and the expression is displayed in the Data Set Row cell.



ClearSCADA 2017 R2