Communications Determined by a Group Master

You can configure each outstation in a shared outstation set to use the same channel as an outstation that has been designated as that outstation’s ‘Group Master’. The ‘Group Master(s)’ can be any independent outstation(s) within the set. The rest of the outstations in the set are known as Group Slave outstations. Whenever a Group Master switches to another channel, the Group Slave outstations that are assigned to that Group Master also switch to use the same channel as the Group Master.

Outstations that use a Group Master / Slave set-up are configured as Group Master or Group Slave outstations on the Outstation Form for each outstation. You need to configure one or more independent outstations in the set as the Group Masters for the Group Slave outstations in the set. You also need to specify whether the switching takes place at each Group Master or on an individual outstation basis.

Group Slave outstations cannot switch channels independently—they are designed to use the same channel as their Group Master.


In this setup, the outstation with address 1 has been defined as the Group Master for the rest of the outstations in the set.

When the Group Master switches channels to communicate using channel B, each of the Group Slave outstations in the set also switch channels to communicate via channel B.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3