The Background Color used on Alarms Lists and the Alarm Banner

The background color used on Alarms Lists and the Alarm Banner is inherited from the Windows® system palette by default. If required, a system administrator or high-level engineer can specify a different color.

For ViewX clients, ClearSCADA uses the following settings to determine which color is used for the background on the Alarms List and Alarm Banner:

Background colors on WebX clients work in a similar way to those on ViewX. The only difference is that WebX clients are not affected by the File Menu > Options > Alarms and Events settings. Instead, the background color for the Alarms List is defined in the WebX settings on the Server Configuration Tool.

For WebX clients the Severity background color settings take priority. As with ViewX, the Alarm Selected color takes precedence over the Can Acknowledge Alarm and Alarm Response Present colors. The Can Acknowledge Alarm takes precedence over the Alarm Response Present color. All three of these settings take precedence over the Background color in the WebX settings.

Further Information

Background Colors for Severities, see Define the Background Colors for a Severity in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.

For ViewX clients, see Specify a Custom Background Color for Alarms.

For WebX clients, see Define the Alarms List Order and Background Settings in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3