Copy an Item onto the Clipboard

To make a copy of an item or whole Group of items and store the copy on the clipboard:

  1. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar).
  2. In the Database Bar, select the database item that you want to copy.
  3. Perform one of the following:
    • Press the CTRL and C keys simultaneously.


    1. Right-click on the database item.
      A context-sensitive menu is displayed.
    2. Select the Copy option.


    1. Select the Edit tab on the ViewX ribbon.
    2. From the Clipboard command group, select the Copy command.

    A copy of the item is added to your computer’s clipboard. You can add the copy to your database by using the Paste feature (see Paste an Item from the Clipboard into the Database).


ClearSCADA 2017 R3