Restricted Configuration Access

There are various circumstances in which you might be able to display a configuration Form, but be unable to change settings on the Form. Similarly, you might only be able to access a 'file' type object in Run mode rather than Design mode (and so be unable to edit that item). A 'file' type object is a database item for which you configure various properties using an Editor. ClearSCADA supports various 'file' type objects, including Mimics, Logic Programs, Reports,Trends, and X-Y Plots.

Restricted User Access

If your User Account enables you to View Configuration but not Configure Database, you will only be able to display configuration Forms (rather than change settings on those Forms). The same applies in either of the following situations:

In such circumstances, when you display a configuration Form, a Lock icon appears on the document tab of docked windows, and the title bar of floating document windows. Similarly, you will only be able to access a 'file' type object in Run mode rather than Design mode (and so be unable to edit that item).

Configuration Properties that are Derived from a Group Template

If a ClearSCADA database includes Group Templates and Group Instances , various configuration properties of items in the Group Instances are likely configured to derive their values from the Group Template. With such properties, you will be unable to change their values locally in the Group Instances (the fields will be 'grayed out' and unavailable for use in the Group Instances). For more information, see Group Templates and Group Instances, and see Property Overrides.

Database Items that are under the Exclusive Control of another User

While a database item is under the exclusive control of another user, you will be unable to access the features that are under exclusive control of the other user (or will be unable to access any of that database item's features, depending on the configuration). For more information, see Exclusive Control in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.

Further Information

see Database Security.

The icons in the Database Bar are overlaid with a symbol in certain circumstances, including if the item belongs to an Instance of a Group Template, or is under Exclusive Control. For more information, see Database Bar in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3