Crystal Reports Methods that are Available for Use Programmatically

In addition to the pick actions that are available to ViewX users (see Crystal Reports-Specific Actions), several further Crystal Reports methods can be accessed ‘programmatically’. For example, by using the Automation Interface. (Methods are known as pick actions when available via the ViewX interface.)

The Automation Interface is a built-in interface that allows access to the properties and methods of every item in the database. The interface can be used for rapid configuration of ClearSCADA, enabling engineers to import existing system configuration from another source, such as a database spread sheet.

The Automation Interface supports the standard and driver-specific Methods (pick actions) that are available to ViewX users. In addition, where configuration properties cannot be exposed through the conventional interface, some drivers include further Methods that are only available for use with the Automation Interface, or other supported means of accessing the database ‘programmatically’. The Crystal Reports driver has several of these additional Methods. For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.

The Export, Generate, and Print methods can also be accessed ‘programmatically’. These methods have Parameter arguments that can be implemented for reports that use parameters (up to eight parameters can be associated with a report, to restrict the content of that report—see Parameter Field). Specify only those Parameters that apply to a particular report.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3