Accuracy and Altitude

In addition to specifying latitude and longitude of an item within the database you can define the accuracy of the coordinates and add the altitude of the item above mean sea level.


The accuracy defines the expected accuracy in meters, of the specified location of the item. The accuracy is dependent on the Global Positioning System that you use to measure the location of the item.


To enter the geographic position with an accuracy of 1 meter:

40.446, -79.982, 1


You can add the altitude of an item, measured in meters above mean sea level when entering the position of an item. In addition you can also specify the accuracy of the measurement of altitude.


To enter the geographic position with an altitude of 120 meters above mean sea level:

40.446, -79.982 ALT 120

To enter the location accuracy as well as the altitude:

40.446, -79.982, 1 ALT 120

To enter the location accuracy as well as the altitude and altitude accuracy:

40.446, -79.982, 1 ALT 120, 1




ClearSCADA 2017 R3