Overview of User Account Security

ClearSCADA has two main security mechanisms: user account configuration and database item security permissions. Typically, each system user is allocated a user account. The features that are available to the user depend on the configuration of their user account and the security settings of the items in the database.

When a user accesses ClearSCADA, they typically log on manually using a configured user account. (If a user attempts to access the system without logging on, they might get logged on automatically via one of the Built-In User Accounts.)

WebX users have to use a configured user account to log on.

‘Configured’ user accounts are regarded as a more secure way of accessing your system as they require manual entry of a user name and password (see Configured User Accounts).

The items and features that a user can access are determined by:

User Groups and user accounts are only applicable if Security is enabled. You can enable Security by using the Server Configuration Tool (see Define whether any Permissions are Restricted).


ClearSCADA 2017 R3