Check for High Load on a ClearSCADA Server

You need to use the Links (Server) category to determine whether there is a high load on a ClearSCADA server. You can then proceed to diagnose the cause of the high load, or check for client load or abnormal network conditions.

To check for a high load on the server:

  1. On the ClearSCADA server, Run the Server Status Tool.
  2. Expand the hierarchy, then expand the Server group, then select the Links category.
  3. The Links (server) category provides status information about each link that is used by the clients to send data to the ClearSCADA server.
  4. Use the Links information to determine if the cause is related to server loading:
    1. Examine the number of links. If the number is excessive in comparison with the number of clients that are connected to the server, there may be a server loading problem. However, the number of links is not the only indication of server loading problems (see next step).
    2. Examine the durations of the Longest Req entries. If the longest requests are 1000 ms or more, there may be a server loading problem. This is even more likely if there were an excessive number of links (see previous step).
  5. If you suspect there is a server loading problem, due to either or both of the problems indicated in the above procedure, proceed to Diagnose and Resolve the Server Load Problems.
  6. If there are no indications of a server loading problem, proceed to Attempt to Resolve Client Load and / or Network Problems.


ClearSCADA 2017 R3