Configure the Axis Range

You can specify the range that the x-axis represents. This is useful if an X-Y-Z Plot represents, for example, a length of pipe, with traces showing various sensor readings taken along the length of pipe. With such an X-Y-Z Plot, you might want to include range labels to indicate the positions a t which the readings are taken along the pipe.



We recommend that you set the Range limits for an X-Y-Z Plot's x-axis before you add traces to the Plot ((see Configure the Axis Range). ClearSCADA takes the limits into account when it calculates the positions at which it places traces along the x-axis. If you change the x-axis range after you add traces to the X-Y-Z Plot, the traces will appear to 'move' along the x-axis in relation to the range change, to retain their existing position. If you reduce the x-axis range so that it no longer accommodates a trace, you can use the Zoom In or Out feature to view the trace.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in unexpected configuration changes.

You specify the x-axis range using fields in the X-Axis Properties window (see Configure the X-Axis Properties).

Use the Range section of the window to specify the range settings:


ClearSCADA 2017 R3