Define the GSM SMS Settings for a Channel

Use the fields on the GSM SMS tab to set properties that enable Geo SCADA Expert to connect to the GSM network. This network connection is temporary: it only exists when Geo SCADA Expert sends or receives an SMS message (see Short Message Service (SMS)).

You should bench test that the GSM modems, connected to Geo SCADA Expert, and the outstation modems operate together successfully, before you use them in a live system.

You can set the following properties:

Modem PIN

(optional) Enter the PIN code that unlocks the Geo SCADA ExpertGSM modem SIM Card. When the SIM card is unlocked, you can access GSM network services such as sending and receiving SMS messages. If you send an incorrect PIN to the outstation, Geo SCADA Expert will not be able to communicate with the outstation. The outstation will then raise an alarm on the channel.

'AT+Command' Limitation

Specify whether the Geo SCADA ExpertGSM modem allows concatenated extended AT commands. For more information, see the GSM modem manufacturer's documentation.

Select from:

No Limitation on Concatenating Extended AT Commands

The GSM modem allows concatenated extended AT commands.

Limited. No Concatenation of SMS Extended AT Commands

The GSM modem does not allow concatenated extended AT commands.

SMS Storages' Initialization

Enter GSM modem-specific AT commands to initialize and configure the Geo SCADA ExpertGSM modem's SMS storage facility (if needed). You can enter AT+ commands and AT^ commands (see Initialize the Server Modem's SMS Message Storage ).

SMS in PDU Mode

Select this check box to set SMS PDU mode for the connection between Geo SCADA Expert and the Geo SCADA ExpertGSM modem. For more information about PDU mode, see Short Message Service (SMS).



If a Geo SCADA ExpertGSM modem in your system will receive binary-encoded SMS messages from an outstation, then you need to select the SMS in PDU Mode check box. If you do not, the Geo SCADA ExpertGSM modem will not deliver these messages to Geo SCADA Expert - it will store them. As a result, the GSM modem's memory may become full and the GSM modem may become inoperable. This will mean that none of the outstations that use that GSM modem will be able to communicate with Geo SCADA Expert.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in an inoperable GSM modem.

If you want to set a SCADA-set SMS Validity Period on each outstation database item, then you need to select the SMS in PDU Mode check box (see Define an Outstation's SMS Properties).

Proactive Poll Modem

Select this check box to enable proactive modem polling. During periods of high SMS traffic, Geo SCADA Expert may then poll the local GSM modem more frequently than the standard Modem Poll Interval (for more information about setting the standard Modem Poll Interval, see Defining PSTN Settings for a Channel.

If you select this check box, Geo SCADA Expert continues to poll the local GSM modem according to the standard Modem Poll Interval. However, if the number of messages received by the Geo SCADA ExpertGSM modem exceeds the Proactive Poll Modem Threshold (see below), Geo SCADA Expert will poll the GSM modem immediately. This will occur even if Geo SCADA Expert needs to send an SMS message to the local GSM modem.

Clear this check box if you want Geo SCADA Expert to poll the local GSM modem according to the standard Modem Poll Interval only.

Proactive Poll Modem Threshold

This threshold controls when Geo SCADA Expert polls the local GSM modem during periods of high SMS traffic. Specify a threshold number of SMS messages that is greater than 0. During periods of normal SMS traffic, Geo SCADA Expert polls the local GSM modem according to the standard Modem Poll Interval (see Defining PSTN Settings for a Channel).


If you set the Modem Poll Interval to 10000 (milliseconds), Geo SCADA Expert will send a Poll Modem request to the local GSM modem every 10 seconds.

However, if the number of messages that Geo SCADA Expert receives, in between Poll Modem requests, exceeds the Proactive Poll Modem Threshold, Geo SCADA Expert will poll the local GSM modem immediately. This helps to prevent the GSM modem running out of storage capacity for SMS messages.


If you enter 10 in the Proactive Poll Modem Threshold field, Geo SCADA Expert will poll the local GSM modem once it receives 10 messages prior to a Poll Modem request (see Proactive Poll Modem above).


Geo SCADA Expert 2019