
Associated with: DNP3 Pulse (NULL) Actions and DNP3 Pulse (Trip-Close) Actions

The Inching pick action is only available for those Pulse Actions for which the Inching feature is enabled (see Configure Pulse Properties).

Security permission required to access this pick action: Control

Use the Inching pick action to request Geo SCADA Expert to perform a pulse action control for a user-configurable amount of time and user-configurable number of pulses, up to and including those specified on the corresponding Pulse Action Form.

Select the Inching pick action to display the Inching window. Use the fields on the window to specify the required settings for the control:

This topic provides links out to topics that describe the configuration of DNP3 'Generic' pulse actions (see DNP3 Master Configuration). If your system is running a DNP3 Extension Driver, other types of DNP3 pulse action might be available. For information about the configuration of non-generic DNP3 pulse actions, see the relevant DNP3 extension driver guide.

For an illustrated example of how you might configure the above parameters for a Pulse Action, see Pulse Control Example.

You can use the Control pick action to carry out a pulse control for the same number of Pulse Counts and for the same amount of time that is defined on the Pulse Action Form (rather than for a user-configurable number of pulses or on and off times).


Geo SCADA Expert 2019