Specify the Outstation Type

Throughout this guide, unless mentioning features that are specific to particular model(s) of outstation, the term ‘SCADAPack E outstation’ is used to refer to any SCADAPack E or eNET outstation with which Geo SCADA Expert can communicate using the DNP3 protocol.

SCADAPack E outstations were previously known as SCADAPack E-Series outstations.

Use the combo box at the top of the Outstation Type tab to specify the type of outstation that this DNP3 SCADAPack E Outstation database item represents.

The types of outstation with which Geo SCADA Expert can communicate using the DNP3 SCADAPack E driver include:

The fields on the remainder of the Outstation Type tab vary, depending on the Outstation Type that you select. Use the rest of the fields on the tab to:

If the Outstation Type is set to ‘SCADAPack ER-P620’, also use the tab to:


Geo SCADA Expert 2019