Trip and Close Pulse Action Properties

Use the fields within the Action section of the Trip/Close tab to define the configuration of the Trip and Close pulse actions.

The DNP3 SCADAPack Pulse Action (Trip-Close) point is effectively two independent SCADAPack Pulse Action (Trip-Close) points that are controlled by a single Geo SCADA Expert database point. For example, if you set the Pulse Count (see Configure Pulse Properties) greater than 1, you can send a control to the Close action while the Trip action is still executing. As with the DNP3 Pulse Action (Trip-Close) point, you cannot issue a Trip, for example, while the previous Trip action is still executing.

For further information, see Configure Trip and Close Pulse Actions in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the DNP3 Driver.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019