Using Geo SCADA Expert to Import and Download SCADAPack Outstation Firmware Image Files

The DNP3 SCADAPack E driver is able to download operating system firmware files to a SCADAPack E outstation. The firmware is downloaded as a compressed binary firmware image file. With an outstation that forms the main unit of a Main-SCADAPack ES Remote I/O configuration, Geo SCADA Expert is optionally able to download the same firmware image file to each of that outstation’s remote I/O modules in addition to the main unit itself, via a single pick action.

SCADAPack E outstations support firmware downloads in this file format:

For more information on this file type, see the SCADAPack E Firmware Update User Manual.

In order for Geo SCADA Expert to be able to download operating system firmware to a SCADAPack E outstation you need to:

  1. Create and configure a DNP3 SCADAPack Firmware Image item in the Geo SCADA Expert database (see Configure a DNP3 SCADAPack Firmware Image Item). You need one Firmware Image item for each different set of operating system firmware that is to be updated.
  2. Use each DNP3 SCADAPack Firmware Image item’s Import Firmware Image pick action to import the required binary firmware image file(s) into Geo SCADA Expert.

    The location to which the files are imported is defined using the Geo SCADA Expert Server Configuration Tool’s Data Files field (see Locations of the Database Folders in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Server Administration).

  3. Use the Firmware fields on each DNP3 SCADAPack E Outstation Form to:
    • Associate the relevant DNP3 SCADAPack Firmware Image item with each outstation
    • Specify whether Geo SCADA Expert is to download operating system firmware to only that outstation, or also to any remote I/O modules that are connected to that outstation. (Geo SCADA Expert is only able to download firmware to both the main outstation and its remote IO modules if both the main outstation and each of its remotes are of the same type (for example, if they are all SCADAPack ES, or all 386 eNETs)).

    For more information, see Configure the Firmware Image Properties.

  4. Use either the Download Firmware or Download Remote Firmware pick actions to download the relevant binary firmware image file to each outstation and/or any remote I/O modules connected to that outstation.


    Should a firmware download be unsuccessful (for example, if power is lost at the outstation before the download completes), the outstation will typically revert to using the version of firmware that was running before the download was attempted. If power is lost while the bootloader is patching the firmware, the outstation might be left in an inoperable state. If this occurs, an engineer will need to recover the situation locally at the outstation.

    Only attempt to download firmware or download remote firmware when there is sufficient time to manually recover the situation in the unlikely event of an unsuccessful download.

    Failure to follow these instructions can result in inoperable equipment.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019