With Which Database Item do I Associate each DNP3 SCADAPack Point?

With most advanced drivers in Geo SCADA Expert, you associate each point with the outstation on which that point is located.

With the DNP3 SCADAPack E driver, the database item with which you associate a physical point depends on the system setup and the device that is to scan that point’s data. (A physical point—a point that represents physical I/O in the outstation—has to have its Point Type specified as either Physical Input or Physical Output (see Configure Common Properties of DNP3 SCADAPack Points).)

Use the table below to determine the database item with which you should associate each physical DNP3 SCADAPack point on your system:

System Setup Database Item with Which the Point has to be Associated

The point is on a SCADAPack ES, or 386 eNET outstation.

In Geo SCADA Expert, the outstation is represented by a DNP3 SCADAPack E Direct, PSTN, or Shared outstation.

Specify the name of the DNP3 SCADAPack E outstation in the Point Form’s Outstation field.

The point is on a SCADAPack 330E, 312E, 313E, 314E, 333E, 334E, 337E, 350E, 357E, 530E or 535E outstation.

In Geo SCADA Expert, the outstation is represented by a DNP3 SCADAPack E Direct, PSTN, or Shared outstation.

Each SCADAPack 330E, 312E, 313E, 314E, 333E, 334E, 337E, 350E, 357E, 530E and 535E outstation has basic on-board I/O, but that I/O is not automatically allocated any DNP3 Point Numbers. As such, a DNP3 SCADAPack 5000 Series IO item needs to be configured in the Geo SCADA Expert database to represent each on-board I/O card on that outstation.

For each point on a SCADAPack 330E/334E, or SCADAPack 350E/357E outstation, specify the name of the DNP3 SCADAPack E outstation with which the I/O module or card is associated in the Point Form’s Outstation field.

Use the Point Form’s Mapping tab to reference the I/O card and define the point’s location on that card (see Specify any Point Mapping).

The point is on a SCADAPack ER-P600, or SCADAPack ER-P620 outstation.

In Geo SCADA Expert, the outstation is represented by a DNP3 SCADAPack E Direct, PSTN, or Shared outstation.

SCADAPack ER-P600 and ER-P620 outstations do not have on-board I/O (input and output points). Instead, separate I/O card(s) or module(s) are connected to the outstations to provide the required I/O.

The configuration that is required in Geo SCADA Expert to represent the I/O modules or cards differs, depending on the type of I/O module and whether the allocation of its I/O was automatic or manual.

Refer to the expansion module entries below for further information.

The point is on a remote DNP3 outstation that is Polled By a Data Concentrator.

(A remote DNP3 outstation is configured as a DNP3 SCADAPack Remote E Outstation, or a DNP3 SCADAPack Remote DNP3 Device in the Geo SCADA Expert database.)

Specify the name of the remote outstation’s Parent outstation (data concentrator) in the Point Form’s Outstation field. Use the Point Form’s Point Number field to specify the DNP3 point number used by the data concentrator to identify the point.

Use the fields on the Point Form’s Mapping tab to specify the point’s location on the remote outstation (see Specify any Point Mapping).

The point is on a remote DNP3 outstation that is Polled By the Master Station (Geo SCADA Expert), rather than the data concentrator.

Specify the name of the remote outstation in the Point Form’s Outstation field.

The point is on a remote DNP3 outstation that is Polled By both the Data Concentrator and Master Station.

If the point is scanned only by the data concentrator, specify the name of the remote outstation’s Parent outstation (data concentrator) in the Point Form’s Outstation field. Use the fields on the Point Form’s Mapping tab to specify the point’s location on the remote outstation.

If the point is scanned only by the master station (Geo SCADA Expert), specify the name of the remote outstation in the Point Form’s Outstation field.

If the point is scanned by both the data concentrator and Geo SCADA Expert, you need to configure two points in the Geo SCADA Expert database: one that is associated with the data concentrator, and one that is associated with the remote outstation. (The point that is associated with the data concentrator should reference the point that is associated with the remote outstation, via the properties on its Mapping tab.)

The point is on a SCADAPack ES outstation that is used as an I/O expansion module. The module’s I/O was allocated automatically when the module was connected to the outstation for which it provides additional I/O.

In the Geo SCADA Expert database, a DNP3 SCADAPack E Direct, PSTN, or Shared outstation (as applicable) is used to represent the outstation AND its expansion I/O module(s). (As the I/O was allocated automatically, no separate expansion I/O module items are required in the Geo SCADA Expert database.)

Specify the name of the DNP3 SCADAPack E outstation in the Point Form’s Outstation field.

The point is on an expansion I/O module or card that is connected to a DNP3 SCADAPack E Direct, PSTN, or Shared outstation.

If the point is on a SCADAPack ES outstation that is used as an I/O expansion module, the default automatic allocation of I/O on that module was not suitable and has therefore been allocated manually.

For this type of setup, a DNP3 SCADAPack 5000 Series IO, ER IO, or ES Remote IO item (as applicable) needs to be configured in the Geo SCADA Expert database to represent the expansion I/O module or card.

Specify the name of the DNP3 SCADAPack E outstation with which the I/O module or card is associated in the Point Form’s Outstation field.

Use the Point Form’s Mapping tab to reference the expansion I/O module or card, and define the point’s location on that card (see Specify any Point Mapping).

The point is on a separate I/O module or card that is connected to a remote SCADAPack E outstation.

The I/O module is a SCADAPack ES outstation that is used as an expansion I/O module. The I/O on the module have been allocated automatically when the module was connected to the remote outstation.

In the Geo SCADA Expert database, a DNP3 SCADAPack Remote E Outstation is used to represent the remote outstation AND its expansion I/O module(s). (As the I/O was allocated automatically, no separate expansion I/O module items are required in the Geo SCADA Expert database.)

The outstation that you specify in the Point Form’s Outstation field depends on whether that point is being Polled By the Data Concentrator and/or the Master Station (Geo SCADA Expert)—see the remote DNP3 outstation entries above.

The point is on a separate I/O module or card that is connected to a remote SCADAPack E outstation.

If the point is on a SCADAPack ES outstation that is used as an I/O expansion module, the default automatic allocation of I/O on that module was not suitable and has therefore been allocated manually.

For this type of setup, a DNP3 SCADAPack 5000 Series IO, ER IO, or ES Remote IO item (as applicable) needs to be configured in the Geo SCADA Expert database to represent the expansion I/O module or card. The remote outstation with which the I/O module or card is associated needs specifying in the Outstation field on that item’s configuration Form.

Specify the name of the DNP3 SCADAPack Remote E outstation with which the I/O module or card is associated in the Point Form’s Outstation field.

Use the Point Form’s Mapping tab to reference the expansion I/O module or card, and define the point’s location on that card (see Specify any Point Mapping).

If the point is scanned by the data concentrator, a second point has to be configured in the Geo SCADA Expert database. Specify the name of the data concentrator in the Point Form’s Outstation field. Additionally, use the Point Form’s Mapping tab to reference the expansion I/O module or card, and define the point’s location on that card.

Further Information

SCADAPack E Outstations that have Separate or Additional I/O Cards or Modules

SCADAPack E Data Concentrators and Remote Outstations.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019