Configure an MQTT Broker Item

A broker performs the tasks of both a message buffer and router. It takes messages from the sending device and transmits those messages to the receiving devices ('clients').

We do not provide a broker with the MQTT driver in Geo SCADA Expert; instead, you can either download a broker from an external supplier, or connect to a cloud-based broker. You then use an MQTT Broker item in the database to represent, and interact with, that broker.

You add one MQTT Broker item to the database per connection between Geo SCADA Expert and a broker (Geo SCADA Expert supports multiple connections to a broker).

You configure the properties of each MQTT Broker item using the fields on the MQTT Broker configuration Form. The Form has several tabs, some of which contain properties that are common to many database items, and others that contain properties that are specific to MQTT Broker items.

The topics in this section document the properties that are on the Broker tab.

Use the Broker tab to:



We strongly recommend using network-connected Geo SCADA Expert drivers in a private network only (either physical or virtual). We recommend against using such drivers for communications over the public Internet. If the drivers are used over the public Internet, as a minimum those drivers should use valid SSL certificates to initiate secure connections and encrypt the data that is transmitted over the network.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage. The breach in system security could expose sensitive data and the leave the database vulnerable to unauthorized and potentially malicious use.

unexpected impact on system performance

It is possible that excessive incoming data from a broker could adversely affect system performance. If performance is an issue, check:
  • The configuration of the downloaded or cloud-based broker that is represented by the Geo SCADA Expert MQTT Broker item
  • The configuration of the publishing devices that are connected to that broker.

Both mentions of configuration above refer to configuration outside of the Geo SCADA Expert database.

Failure to follow these instructions can impact adversely on system performance.

The properties on the remaining tabs are common to many database items. For information about those tabs, see Tabs that are Common to Many Configuration Forms.

Further Information

Minimum Configuration.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019