Disable Broker

Associated with: MQTT Broker items

Security permission required to access this pick action: Disable Points

NOTE: The 'Disable...' series of pick actions are assigned the 'Disable Points' security permission so that users with that permission can disable database items without necessarily being given the full 'Configuration' security permission. A user, such as an operator, whose User Account is given the 'Disable Points' permission but not the 'Configure' permission can disable a database item, but is prevented from altering the rest of that item's configuration.

Use this pick action to take an MQTT Broker database item Out of Service.

The Disable Broker pick action clears the Broker's In Service property, so that the Broker is no longer active.

You might want to disable a Broker database item, for example, if Geo SCADA Expert has detected a problem with the broker that the database item represents. Once the problem has been rectified, use the Enable Broker pick action to place the Broker back In Service.

Geo SCADA Expert logs an entry in the Event Journal whenever either pick action is used. The entry indicates whether the Broker has been enabled or disabled.

Be aware that disabling an MQTT Broker also de-activates its dependants, although their configuration will remain unchanged. Dependants include items such as points that are associated with the Broker.

If using this pick action with the Automation Interface, you need to specify the method name Disable.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019