Point (MQTT JSON Schema A)

In Geo SCADA Expert, a database Point on the MQTT JSON Schema A driver represents a single item of data ('tag') that is retrieved using MQTT.

You configure each Point to reference an MQTT JSON Schema A Device item. The MQTT JSON Schema A Device item references both the broker from which Geo SCADA Expert retrieves the data, and the topic with which that data is associated.

You also use each Point item to specify the 'tag name' that uniquely identifies the item of data ('tag') that the point represents in the remote client (the client that sent the data to the broker).

With the MQTT driver and extension drivers, 'time' and 'status' are reserved words. As such, 'time' and 'status' cannot be used for tag names.

Tag names are case-sensitive.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019