Map Geo SCADA Expert Points to SCADAPack 50 Device Logical Points

The SCADAPack 50 device has four physical digital points (DI1-DI4) and four physical analog points (A1-A4).

These physical points are represented in the device software by logical points, of which there are eight (V1-V8). However, there is not necessarily a one-to-one relationship between the logical and the physical points.

A logical point maps onto specific physical points. Two logical points can map to a single physical point.

The relationship between the logical and physical points is as follows:

Physical Point (DI=Digital A=Analog) Possible Logical Point Mapping Possible Var Types
DI1 V1,V5

Digital Input, Counter, Flow, Closed Contact Duration.

DI2 V2,V6
DI3 V3,V7
DI4 V4,V8
A1 V1,V5

Analog Input.

A2 V2,V6
A3 V3,V7
A4 V4,V8

The Var Type describes what you can set the logical point to record.

There are three counters associated with each physical digital point, as follows:

For more information, see the SCADAPack 50 device documentation.


Logical points V1 and V5 both map to the physical digital point DI1. Logical Point V2 maps to the physical analog point A2.

Logical point V1 records the Counter value associated with DI1. Logical point V5 records the Closed Contact Duration value associated with DI1.

Logical Point V2 records an analog input.

Physical Point Logical Point Var Type
DI1 V1 Counter
A2 V2 4-20 mA
DI1 V5 Closed Contact Duration


Geo SCADA Expert 2019