Send an SMS Test Message from a Cell Phone to Geo SCADA Expert

Perform this procedure after you Configure a Test SCADAPack 50 Digital Point.


  1. Create a new outstation database item in the SCADAPack 50 Test group and call it OutstationMyPhone (see Add a Driver-Specific Item to the Database in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers).
  2. In the Database Bar, select the SCADAPack 50 Test.OutstationMyPhone database item.

    The SCADAPack 50 Test.OutstationMyPhone Form is displayed.

  3. Select the Outstation tab.
  4. Select the In Service check box.
  5. Allocate the outstation to an Outstation Set. To do this, use the Outstation Set browse button to display a Reference browse window, then select the SCADAPack 50 Test.Outstation Set entry from the window.

  6. Select the SCADAPack 50 tab and specify the following properties:
    • Telephone NumberEnter the telephone number of your cell phone. Use the required format for the Geo SCADA Expert GSM modem (for more information, see the modem documentation). For example, +4478675123.
    • Outstation Name—Enter Phone. This name is for test purposes.

  7. Save the property settings (see Saving Configuration Changes in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration) and close the SCADAPack 50 Test.OutstationMyPhone window.
  8. Create a new digital point database item in the SCADAPack 50 Test group and call it Digital PointMyPhone(see Add a Driver-Specific Item to the Database in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Advanced Drivers).
  9. In the Database Bar, select the SCADAPack 50 Test.Digital PointMyPhone database item.

    The SCADAPack 50 Test.Digital PointMyPhone Form is displayed.

  10. Set the following properties (leave the other properties at their default settings):
    • In ServiceSelect the check box to activate the point.
    • Outstation—Use the browse button to display a Reference browse window, then select SCADAPack 50 Test.OutstationMyPhone from the window.
    • Point Identity—Choose the Device Point V2 combo box option.

  11. Save the property settings (see Saving Configuration Changes in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration) and close the SCADAPack 50 Test.Digital PointMyPhone window.
  12. Send a text message from your cell phone to the Geo SCADA Expert GSM modem:
    • An example text message format might be: Testing <Date>.<test number>
    • An example text message might be: ‘Testing 20130102.01’.


Proceed to Check that Geo SCADA Expert Received Your Cell Phone Test Message.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019