Importing a WITS Device Profile XML File

For Geo SCADA Expert to be able to interoperate with a WITS Field Device, it needs to have access to the device profile provided by the device vendor. To provide this access, you need to create a Device Profile database item in ViewX, and then import the device profile XML file into the item. (If you have not yet created a Database Profile item, please refer to Configuring a WITS Device Profile.)

You only need to import unique device profiles. For example, if you have several Schneider Electric Talus T4e devices, all with the same capabilities, you would only need to import one Talus T4e device profile. However, if you are using a variety of Field Devices, you will need to import a device profile for each type of device.

Geo SCADA Expert can only interoperate with WITS Field Devices that support the same version(s) of the WITS standard as Geo SCADA Expert.You can see which WITS versions are supported by Geo SCADA Expert by viewing Geo SCADA Expert's own Device Profiles, (see Geo SCADA Expert WITS Version Support) Typically, you would import the data profile for the highest WITS version that is supported by both the Field Device and Geo SCADA Expert.

To import a WITS device profile XML file into Geo SCADA Expert:

  1. Store the device profile XML file (provided by your Field Device vendor) in a location that can be accessed from your ViewX client.
  2. Run ViewX and log on via a user account that has the Configure permission.
  3. In the Database Bar, browse to the Device Profile database item that you want to use to store the XML file.
  4. Right-click on the Device Profile item and select Import Profile.
  5. Browse to the device profile XML file.
  6. Select the Open button.
    Geo SCADA Expert imports the XML file into the Device Profile item.

When you have imported an XML file to a Device Profile item, you can use the item to display the XML file in ViewX or Virtual ViewX. You can also export the XML file to another location, which means you can use Geo SCADA Expert to store your device profile XML files.

Further Information

Exporting a WITS Device Profile XML File.

WITS Device Profiles.

Display a WITS Device Profile.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019