Off Scan (WITS Point)

Associated with: WITS Database Points

Security permission required to access this pick action: Off/On Scan

The ability to place points and outstations Off Scan is disabled on most systems by default. (Its permission is typically denied on a per server basis.)



Use the Off Scan pick action on a database point with care—always check the point’s current activity before deciding whether to use this action. Using the Off Scan action will mean that the Field Device will not log data or generate DNP3 events for the point. For this reason, you need to be certain that other users do not require the point's data before you put the point Off Scan.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

You can use the Off Scan action to set a point that is currently 'on scan' to 'off scan'. When a point is 'off scan':

You would use the Off Scan action on a point when you want to stop a point's data from being reported. For example, if an instrument develops a fault, an operator may put the point for the instrument to 'off scan' (as this will suppress the data being reported for the instrument). When the instrument has been repaired or replaced, the On Scan action can be used to set the point back to 'on scan'.

NOTE: The On Scan/Off Scan settings for points are independent of the Field Device's On Scan/Off Scan setting. However, both On Scan/Off Scan settings affect the scanning state for an individual point.

The scanning state of each point is a combination of its individual setting and the Field Device's OnScan/Off Scan setting. If either (or both) is Off Scan, the point is Off Scan. A point is only On Scan if both the Field Device and the point are On Scan.


Geo SCADA Expert 2019