Incremental Configuration File - Content and Syntax
In this topic, we describe the content of the incremental configuration files used by WITS Field Devices. The WITS-DNP3 standard does not specify a syntax for incremental configuration file names.
When saving or exporting incremental configuration files, we recommend that you give each incremental file the same name as its matching bulk configuration file, but use a different extension.
Incremental Configuration File
The incremental configuration file contains a series of records that define the following settings:
- Device On/Off Scan—Defines whether:
- DNP3 events relating to points are generated
- Data logging is suspended for the points on the Field Device.
- Connection Details—Each record defines a connection that is available for communications between the Field Device and Geo SCADA Expert.
Each Connection Details record defines the following settings:
- Device Port
- Connection Mode (Permanent or On Demand)
- Telephone Number
Network Protocol (IPv4 TCP, IPv4 UDP).
NOTE: Geo SCADA Expert does not support IPv6.
- End Point Type for network connection (Listening, Initiating, or Dual)
- Network information (IP Address and Port Number for connection to Geo SCADA Expert).
- Scheduled Connection—Defines how often the Field Device will connect to Geo SCADA Expert.
- Point On/Off Scan—Defines whether:
- DNP3 events relating to the individual point are generated
- Data logging is suspended for the individual point.
- Override Point—Overriding allows a Master Station to force the Field Device to report and log a specific value (the override value). The Field Device continues to report and log this value until the override is released.
The Override Point record defines whether the point is overridden. It also defines the override value (if the point is overridden).
- Analog Point Range/Scaling—Defines the raw value data type, range, scaling, and units for an analog point.
- Analog Limits—Each record defines the settings for a limit of an analog point. When reported values drop below or exceed a limit, the Field Device may generate a Data Set event or make a record in the data log.
Each Analog Limits record defines the following settings:
- Direction (High or Low)
- Limit Value (threshold value)
- Profile (for each day of the week)
- Action to be taken when the value crosses a limit threshold
- Hysteresis
- Persistence
- Counter Limits—Each record defines the settings for a limit of a counter point. When reported values exceed a limit, the Field Device may generate a Data Set event or make a record in the data log.
Each Counter Limits record defines the following settings:
- Limit Value (threshold value)
- Profile (for each day of the week)
- Action to be taken when the value crosses a limit threshold
- Point Archives—Defines whether periodic logs are stored for a point.
The Point Archives record defines how often periodic logs are stored and can include an offset (in seconds).
- Binary States—Defines the action to be performed when a binary point changes state. The change of state may be recorded in the data log or could cause a Data Set event to be generated.
The Binary States record defines the action to be taken when a state change occurs and also the amount of persistence applied. There are action and persistence settings for each state.
Limit Profiles—Limit profiles for analog and counter points allow different limits to be applied at different times of the day. The Limit Profiles record defines a list of vectors, and each vector comprises a time and value pair.
- Rate of Change—A WITS Field Device can detect:
- If an analog or counter point has not changed value (No Change Detection). No Change Detection can be applied to an analog or counter point and the result stored in a virtual binary input point
- The rate at which an analog or counter point changes value, for example, + 2 liters per second (rising by 2 liters per second) or - 2 liters per second (dropping by 2 liters per second). The rate of change for an analog or counter point can be stored in a virtual analog input point.
The Rate of Change record defines the:
- Rate of Change period, in seconds
- Rate of Change time base
- Rate of Change point (this is a virtual analog input point that stores the rate of change)
- No change deadband
- No Change Point (a virtual binary input point used to indicate when there is no change)
- DNP3 Object Flag Actions—Defines the actions to be performed when there is a change to a point's DNP3 object flags.
- Minimum—The minimum value for an analog point can be calculated and the result stored in a virtual analog input point.
The Minimum record defines which virtual point will store the minimum value. It also defines the period and offset over which the minimum value is calculated.
Geo SCADA Expert supports virtual point mode but does not support the associated value mode.
Maximum—The maximum value for an analog point can be calculated and the result stored in a virtual analog input point.
The Maximum record defines which virtual point will store the maximum value. It also defines the period and offset over which the maximum value is calculated.
Geo SCADA Expert supports virtual point mode but does not support the associated value mode.
- Mean—The mean average value for an analog point can be calculated and the result stored in a virtual analog input point.
The Mean record defines which virtual point will store the mean value. It also defines the period and offset over which the mean value is calculated.
Geo SCADA Expert supports virtual point mode but does not support the associated value mode.
Integral—The integral value for an analog point can be calculated and the result stored in a virtual analog input point.
The Integral record defines which virtual point will store the integral value. It also defines the period and offset over which the integral value is calculated.
State Counter—The number of times a point changes state can be counted and the result stored in a virtual counter point.
The State Counter record defines which virtual point will store the total state changes value. It also defines which states are counted, and the period and offset over which the total state change value is calculated.
- State Runtime—The amount of time a point is in a specific state, or a combination of states, can be measured. The result is stored in a virtual counter point.
The State Runtime record defines which virtual point will store the result of the state runtime calculation. It also defines which states are measured, and the period and offset over which the total runtime is calculated.
- Profile Control Value—This is a mechanism to enabled analog, counter, and/or binary points to be in a specific state at a specific time. This is achieved using Time Profiles. The record defines the Time Profile being used to control the point's value, along with the interpolation time.
- High Speed Sampled Data—This record defines whether the Field Device is configured to sample and store analog input data at a faster rate than the standard WITS periodic logging rate. If so, the record defines the sampling rate and cycle store size.
- Incident Logs—This is a mechanism for a Field Device to log data before, during, and after an incident, to help determine the cause and effect of that incident.
The record defines whether Incident Logging is enabled. It also defines the point states for which incident logging is required, along with details about the start time, duration, and logging rate of up to 5 points for which the Field Device is to log data should an incident occur.
- Significant Change Values—This record defines whether the Field Device is to detect significant changes in the analog's point value. It also defines the action to be taken when a significant change is detected.
Other vendor-specific configuration settings are stored in the bulk configuration file.