Defining Communication Delays

Several of the driver-specific sections on the Geo SCADA Expert Server Configuration Tool include a combination of the fields that are described below. The fields allow you to specify delays that the server applies before re-establishing communications under various situations. The delays help to prevent errors being reported due to the outstation not responding to any messages while it is re-establishing communications. Refer to the driver-specific documentation for information on which fields apply to a particular driver.

Delay after closing line before starting direct comms

This delay applies to Direct outstations that have been using PSTN fallback to communicate with the server. The delay allows the outstation time to establish direct communications before receiving any messages.

Specify the delay between completing PSTN communications and attempting to re-establish direct communications.

Delay while outstation completes stopping comms

Specify the delay between stopping direct communications and restarting further direct communications. The delay stops any messages from being sent to the outstation while it is in the process of stopping communications.

Delay while outstation performs a reset

Specify the delay between resetting an outstation and restarting communications. The delay stops any messages from being sent to the outstation while it is in the process of resetting then establishing communications with the server.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021