Defining Further Scan Parameter Settings for a Direct Channel

In addition to the basic Scan Parameters fields (see Defining Scan Parameter Settings for a Channel), further fields are displayed on the Scan Parameters tab for many Direct channels.

These additional fields are used to configure the following functions for Direct channels on advanced drivers:

The Reestablishment Interval

Used to define how often the server attempts to establish communications with a failed outstation (see Establish Communications with Failed Outstations).

Scan Groups

These are timed current data updates that help to prevent current data from appearing to be out of date (see Define Intervals for Timed Current Data Updates). (Scan groups apply to direct channels on most advanced drivers—the driver-specific documentation states if they do not apply.)

Outstation Clock Settings

Used to define when the Geo SCADA Expert server sets the clocks on the outstations that communicate using the channel (see Define when the Server Sets the Outstations’ Clocks).

The direct channels on some drivers include additional fields on the Scan Parameters tab—for information on fields other than those that are listed above, see the driver-specific documentation.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021