Direct - Dual Channel

Some outstations can communicate via one of two direct channels. This is referred to as a direct-dual channel set-up.

There are two types of direct-dual channel set-up:

Switched Outstation Set

The outstations can communicate with the Geo SCADA Expert server via one of two direct channels, with one channel being configured as the ‘Preferred Line’. At any given time, all of the outstations in the set have to use the same channel (see Switched Dual Channel).

Shared Outstation Set

The outstations can communicate with the Geo SCADA Expert server via one of two direct channels. The outstations can communicate via either of the channels—they do not have to use the same channel as the rest of the outstations in the set. To use this form of communication, you need to configure Shared Outstations rather than Direct Outstations (see Shared Outstations).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021