Tabs on Outstation Forms

Outstation Forms have several ‘tabs’ or ‘pages’ for configuring different aspects of outstation information. Most outstations on advanced drivers have a combination of these tabs:


Use to optionally define a Help View and to indicate whether the outstation is to be excluded from any Exclusive Control activity (see Defining Identification Details).


Use to specify the item's geographical coordinates. (You need only configure the properties on this tab if your system uses Geo SCADA Expert's Geographical Location features.)

User Methods

Use to define any custom pick actions (‘methods’) for the outstation (see Using the User Methods Tab to Define Custom Actions).


Use to define optional features associated with any outstation alarms (see Defining an Item or Group’s Alarm Properties).


Use to define any alarm redirections for the outstation (see Configure Alarm Redirections for an Item or Group).


Use the fields on this tab to:


Available for network connected outstations that use a permanent connection, rather than PSTN to communicate with the server.

Use to define the type of network (see Define an Outstation’s Network Properties).


Available for outstations that communicate with the server using PSTN, or PSTN as a fallback means of communication (see PSTN Outstations and Communications).

Use to define the Public Switched Telephone Network properties of the outstation (see Define an Outstation’s PSTN Properties, and see Define Dial In Line Properties on a PSTN Outstation). If supported and required, also use the tab for Define Dial In Overactive Properties on a PSTN Outstation.


Available for outstations that communicate with the server using one of two channels. Each outstation in a Shared set can use either channel (see Shared Outstations). Use the fields on the Shared tab to Define an Outstation’s Shared Properties.

<Outstation Type>

Use to define any further type-specific information for an outstation (see the driver-specific documentation).

For some types of outstation, the <Outstation Type> tab includes fields that allow you to Define Whether an Outstation is Promoted While its Points are on Display and/or Define any Pre- and Post-Ambles for an Individual Outstation.

In addition, other driver-specific tabs are available for some types of outstation (see the driver-specific documentation).

The subsections within this section explain the features on the Outstation, Network, PSTN, and Shared tabs that are common to outstations on most advanced drivers.

For aspects of outstation configuration that are common to most types of database item, see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration.

For aspects of outstation configuration that are specific to individual drivers, see the Geo SCADA Expert driver-specific documentation.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021