Tabs on Outstation Set Forms

You configure the settings for each Outstation Set using the fields on the appropriate Outstation Set Form.

Each Form has several ‘tabs’ for configuring different aspects of Outstation Set information. For sets on advanced drivers, a combination of these tabs is available:


Use to optionally define a Help View and to indicate whether the set is to be excluded from any Exclusive Control activity (see Defining Identification Details).


Use to specify the item's geographical coordinates. (You need only configure the properties on this tab if your system uses Geo SCADA Expert's Geographical Location features.)

User Methods

Use to define any custom pick actions (‘methods’) for a set (see Using the User Methods Tab to Define Custom Actions).

Outstation Set

Use for Defining Communication Settings, including:

<Set Type>

An additional tab available on some sets. Use the fields on the tab to define further type-specific information for a set (see the driver-specific documentation).

This section explains the features on the Outstation Set tab that are common to sets on most advanced drivers.

For aspects of outstation set configuration that are common to most types of database item, see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration.

For aspects of outstation set configuration that are specific to individual drivers, including fields on any additional tabs, see the Geo SCADA Expert driver-specific documentation.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021