Troubleshooting Redirection Action Trip Sequences

Should Geo SCADA Expert be unable to evaluate any trip sequence that is specified for an E-Mail, Method, Pager, or System Command redirection, it will replace that sequence with a diagnostic message.

Use the table below to determine the cause of any unevaluated trip sequences.

Diagnostic Message Description


The trip sequence does not contain a terminating % character—see Trip Sequences Supported by Redirection Actions for the syntax that is required.

To display a % character in a redirection message, specify %%.


The referenced field is null (the field does not reference another item and is blank on the associated configuration Form).

For example, the trip sequence %OHelpViewId.Name% for an item that does not have a Help View configured.


Geo SCADA Expert was not able to read the value of the referenced field.

You are unlikely to see this diagnostic message.


The trip syntax incorrectly references a field that is not a reference field.

For example, %OCurrentState.Name%, where 'CurrentState' is a byte field, not a reference field. Refer to the Database Schema for a comprehensive list of the reference fields and aggregates that exist for each type of database item.


The trip sequence references a database aggregate that is presently disabled, therefore Geo SCADA Expert cannot display the referenced information.


The trip sequence contains a reference that is not a field or aggregate.

For example, %Onnnn.Name%, where there is neither a field or aggregate named ‘nnnn’.


Geo SCADA Expert was not able to read the value of the referenced field, or was not able to format the value into the message.

You are unlikely to see this diagnostic message.


The trip syntax references a field that does not exist.

Refer to the Database Schema for a comprehensive list of the fields that exist for each type of database item. Also check that the field name has not been misspelt and that the syntax is complete (see Trip Sequences Supported by Redirection Actions).


Geo SCADA Expert is unable to locate the item or the user that is associated with the alarm.

You are unlikely to see this diagnostic message.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021