Use Alarm Redirection to Change the Alarm Priority

This example demonstrates how an alarm redirection might be configured to raise the priority of an alarm, if that alarm remains in an Unacknowledged Uncleared state for more than five minutes.


A sensor monitors the water level in a river. An analog point represents the sensor in the Geo SCADA Expert database. The point is configured to trigger a Medium priority alarm should the river level rise above a particular amount.

An Alarm Redirection is associated with the point—the Alarm Redirection raises the priority of the alarm to High should the alarm remain in an Unacknowledged Uncleared state for more than five minutes.

The Alarm Redirection for the point has this configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Auto
  • Trigger State: Unacknowledged Uncleared
  • Action: 'Raise to High' (a Change Priority Redirection Action)
  • Low Severity: Medium
  • High Severity: Medium
  • Direction: Only On Change Away From Normal
  • Delay: 5M
  • Abort State: Always
  • Active From: 00:00
  • Active To: 00:00

The 'Raise to High' Redirection Action is configured to set the priority to High should an alarm be redirected.

An Unacknowledged Uncleared alarm with a Medium priority is raised for the point.

If the point’s value is traveling towards the Normal State (indicating that the river level is dropping), the alarm is not redirected.

However, if the point changes state and the point's value is traveling away from the Normal State, a five-minute timer begins as soon as the alarm is raised.

If the alarm clears or is acknowledged within five minutes, the alarm redirection is canceled.

If the alarm does not change state within the five-minute delay, its priority is raised from Medium to High.

Further Information

Configure Alarm Redirections for an Item or Group.

Define the Change Priority Action Details.

For a further example that demonstrates how a Change Priority Action might be used, see Use a Change Priority Action to Re-evaluate other Redirection Actions.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021