Configure Additional Alarm Columns

This section is for system administrators and high-level engineers.

If required, you can add extra columns to the Alarms Lists and Alarm Banner. This is useful when additional information such as point states and data from custom fields is needed in the alarm displays.

Any extra columns you create will be shown in the Alarms Lists and in the Alarm Banner on ViewX and Virtual ViewX clients. (If you add or remove extra alarm columns while an Alarms List is on display, you may need to close and then re-open the List to show the column changes. Similarly, if a user is logged on to a Virtual ViewX client at the time that the column changes are implemented, they will need to log off and then back on to that client in order for the Alarm Banner to show the column changes.)

To configure extra alarm columns, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021