Display the Alarms List for an Item or Group

You can display an Alarms List that is pre-filtered automatically to show only those alarms for a specific item or Group. You can display such an Alarms List from:

In either case, use the Display Alarms menu option or pick action to display the required Alarms List. The List will be filtered automatically so that it only shows those alarms for the selected item or group, and for which your User Account has access. If you select a Group folder, the Alarms List also shows the alarms for the items within that folder and its subfolders.

The status bar at the top of the list describes the filtering that is applied to the list within square brackets. In the case of an alarms list for a group or item, this will indicate that the list is "Filtered by Source".

Be aware that a Default Alarm Filter can be assigned to your User Account, so that only alarms in which you are interested are included in any Alarms List. When used, Geo SCADA Expert automatically applies the default filter in addition to any other settings that may restrict the alarms to which you have access (see Alarm-Related Aspects of System Configuration).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021