Define Whether the System is Visible in ViewX

You can configure a client - system connection so that although it is fully functional, it is ignored by ViewX. This is useful when Third Party OPC clients need to access the system via the client - system connection, but the system is not used by ViewX.

To define whether the system is visible in ViewX, you need to use the Visible in ViewX check box on the Client Configuration window:

  1. Display the Client Configuration Window
  2. Either:
    • Check the Visible in ViewX check box to set ViewX to connect to the system via the client - system connection. The system will be available in ViewX on the client, which means operators, engineers and administrators can use the client to interact with the system.


    • Clear the Visible in ViewX check box to stop ViewX from providing access to the system via the selected connection. If you clear the check box, the connection will be operational and can be used by other OPC client applications but will not be used by ViewX (ViewX will ignore the system on this connection).

You can also define the Visible in ViewX setting by editing the Systems.xml file manually Use the Systems.xml File to Set Up a ViewX Client Connection.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021