Define the Node Name for a Client - System Connection

A client PC can use the client - system connection to connect to a maximum of 4 servers in a single system. The number of servers to which a client needs to connect varies according to the architecture of the system, for example, a Hot-Standby system has 2 servers (Main and Standby) whereas a Triple Standby system with a Permanent Standby has 4 (the Main, Standby 1, Standby 2, and the Permanent Standby).

You need to use the Node settings on the Client Configuration window to define which servers the client can connect to via the client - server connection. There is a Node tab for each server.

The Node tabs should be used as follows:

Lone Server

Use the Node A tab to define the connection between the client and the server.

Hot-Standby Pair

Use the Node A tab to define the connection between the client and the first server, and the Node B tab to define the connection between the client and the second server.

Hot-Standby Pair with 1 Permanent Standby

Use the Node A tab to define the connection between the client and the first server, and the Node B tab to define the connection between the client and the second server. Use the Node C tab to define the connection between the client and the permanent standby server.

Hot-Standby Pair with 2 Permanent Standbys

Use the Node A tab to define the connection between the client and the first server, and the Node B tab to define the connection between the client and the second server. Use the Node C tab to define the connection between the client and the first permanent standby server, and the Node D tab to define the connection between the client and the second permanent standby server.

Hot-Standby Pair (Dual Ethernet)

Use the Node A and Node B tabs to define the connections between the client and one server (each Node tab defines the settings for a network card), and use the Node C and Node D tabs to define the connections between the client and the alternate server.

For Dual Ethernet arrangements, you have to define the Node Name as an IP address so that the client can differentiate between the network cards.

Triple Standby

Use the Node A tab to define the connection between the client and the first server. Use the Node B and Node C tabs to define the connections between the client and the second and third servers.

Triple Standby with Permanent Standby

Use the Node A tab to define the connection between the client and the first server. Use the Node B and Node C tabs to define the connections between the client and the second and third servers. For the Permanent Standby server, use the Node D tab.

To define the node settings for a client - system connection:

  1. Display the Client Configuration Window for the connection that you want to add or edit.
  2. Select the tab for the Node that you want to configure. We recommend that you use the Node tabs in order, for example, if you need to define 2 Nodes, use the Node A and Node B tab and ignore the Node C and Node D tab.
  3. Define the Node Name setting. You have to define the node name or IP address of the node (the server to which the client will connect). If you leave the Node Name setting blank, the system will use the IP Address of the computer on which you are configuring the client as the Node Name setting.

    Enter the name or IP address of the server node:


    • Use the browse button next to the Node Name field to display a browse window. Use the browse window to select the computer (Node) that is the server, then select the OK button to confirm the selection.


    • In the Node Name field, type the name of the server or the server's IP address.

    ATTENTION: For dual Ethernet arrangements, you have to enter the IP addresses for the nodes.

When you have defined the Node Name for the client - system connection, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic.

You can also define the Node Name setting by editing the Systems.xml file manually Use the Systems.xml File to Set Up a ViewX Client Connection.


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