Define When the Source of a Delta Accumulator has Reset

Use the Source Reset Type combo box on the State tab of the Delta Accumulator Form to specify how the Accumulator detects when its source value has reset:

The options are:


Three Delta Accumulators are used to calculate the differences in source value of a Runtime Accumulator. A Trend is used to monitor the Accumulator values.

In the Trend shown above, the Runtime source and two of the Delta Accumulator traces are attached to the left y-axis and the ‘Delta - Every Value’ Accumulator trace is attached to the right y-axis.

Each Delta Accumulator uses a different Reset type to evaluate the changes in source value. The ‘Every Value’ Delta Accumulator increments its value by the full new source value, whereas the ‘End of Period’ and ‘Zero Value’ Delta Accumulators increment their values by the difference between the present and previous source values.

The latter two Accumulators ignore any End of Period reset and zero source values respectively. This results in the ‘End of Period’ and ‘Zero Value’ Delta Accumulators producing identical traces in this example (as indicated by the ruler values on the Trend above). This is due to the End of Period and zero source values occurring at the same time as each other. (A Delta Accumulator with a ‘Zero Value’ Source Reset Type is typically only used if a source value resets to zero without supplying an ‘End of Period reason’ for the zero values in the Geo SCADA Expert database.)


Geo SCADA Expert 2021