Defining a Custom State Color

Each state on a Point or Forecast is associated with a color. By default, such states are shown in black text (the Normal (Foreground) color from the Color Palette) on displays such as Lists, unless:

In certain situations, you may want to associate a particular state with a specific color. For instance, you may want to associate the state ‘Pump Running’ with a color that does not in itself indicate an alarm state, but does bring to the attention of operators the fact that a pump is running (see Example Configuration).

For such a requirement, you need to create and configure a custom color, and associate that color with the Point state.

Do not confuse Custom Colors with System Colors, which are used to indicate a particular status, such as ‘Control Disabled’. For information on System Colors, see System Colors, or the relevant driver guide.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021