Keyboard Shortcuts

There are several key-combinations that you can use when editing a Data Grid. This section summarizes the supported key strokes.

Key(s) Action


Displays a context sensitive menu, with menu options appropriate to the selected content, cell, field, or row.

Arrow keys

Moves to the next cell in the direction of the arrow (for example, the Up arrow moves to the cell immediately above the presently selected cell).

You can also use the SHIFT key in conjunction with the arrow keys to make multiple selections (see below).


To select more than one field, row, or cell in different parts of a Data Grid, select the first field, row, or cell that you require and then hold down the CTRL key while you make further selections.


Selects all of the cells in a table.


Copies the content of the selected cells, fields or rows into the clipboard. (Use CTRL + V to paste the content elsewhere.)

CTRL + End

Moves to the bottom right (last) cell in a table.

Or: If editing a cell, moves the cursor to the end of the expression.

CTRL + Home

Moves to the top left (first) cell in a table.

Or: If editing a cell, moves the cursor to the start of the expression.


Displays the Print window, enabling you to print the Data Grid.


Saves the Data Grid configuration.


Pastes the content of the clipboard into the Data Grid, starting at the presently selected location.


Deletes the selected content and places it in the clipboard. (Use CTRL + V to paste the content elsewhere.)

You can also ‘drag’ the content of cells, fields or rows over to other cells, fields, or rows.

Be aware that if expressions are dragged over to field(s) that are of different type(s), this may affect the values of those expressions.


Deletes the selected field, row, or cell. Deletion is immediate if a field heading, or row number is selected. A Delete window is displayed if a cell is selected, allowing you to specify the item that you want to delete.


Moves to the right-most cell in the selected row.


Starts ‘in-place’ editing of the selected cell.


While editing a cell, select the Enter key to end the in-place editing.

(During ‘in-place’ editing, you can use the normal keyboard shortcuts, such as Home and End. Other keys, such as the Enter and ESC key have different functionality when used during in-place editing.)


While editing a cell, select the ESC key to discard any changes.


Moves to the left-most cell in the selected row.

Page Down

Moves down one page, with the page size depending on the size of the window.

Page Up

Moves up one page, with the page size depending on the size of the window.


To select a block of fields, rows, or cells, select the first field, row or cell, and then hold down the SHIFT key while you select the last field, row or cell. All fields, rows and cells between the first and last selections are also selected.

SHIFT + Arrow keys

To select a block of fields, rows, or cells, you can use the SHIFT key along with any combination of Arrow keys to make your multiple selection. Select the first field, row, or cell that you require and then hold down the SHIFT key while using the Arrow keys that indicate the direction in which you want to make your selection.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021