Restrict Alarm Redirection to Alarms that are Assigned a Specific Area of Interest

You can use Geo SCADA Expert’s Alarm Redirection feature to redirect any alarm on the system (see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Alarm Redirection). If required, you can restrict any redirection action so that only those alarms that are assigned a particular Area of Interest are redirected.

By default, when the Area of Interest feature is enabled on a Geo SCADA Expert system, every alarm redirection on that system is assigned the World or Default Area of Interest. To assign a different Area of Interest to an alarm redirection:

  1. Display the Form for the item (see Display a Form).
  2. On the Redirection tab, use the Area of Interest field to specify the area of interest that is to be associated with each Alarm Redirection. (Remember that you can only assign an Area of Interest to which you have access.)

    The Area of Interest that you specify limits the redirection to only those alarms that are assigned that particular Area of Interest, or an area that resides within the specified Area of Interest. This Area of Interest can differ to that specified elsewhere on an item’s Form (see Assign a Different Area of Interest to an Item’s Alarms and Events).

  3. Repeat step 2 for any other alarm redirections for which you want to assign a particular Area of Interest.
  4. Save the configuration.

(Remember to assign appropriate Areas of Interest to any Alarm Redirections that exist on your system’s Root Group.)

Further Information

Specify the Default Area of Interest for your System

Configuring Alarm Redirections: see Configure Alarm Redirections for an Item or Group in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Alarm Redirection.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021