Setting up Operator Document Stores

An Operator Document Store is a special type of Group that can be used by operator-level users to store documents, such as pre-configured Trends. Users that have access to Operator Document Store(s) can create and edit documents in the document stores, without their user accounts being allocated the ‘Configure Database’ feature. They can also use the Save In Operator Documents menu option to save a copy of any supported document, in any of the Operator Document Store(s) to which they have access, providing that they have Read access to that document. Operator-level users access the documents and the Operator Document Store(s) to which they have access, using the Operator Documents Barone of the ViewX Explorer Bars.

To set up an Operator Document Store, you need to:

  1. Add an Operator Document Store to the system.
  2. If required, configure the Operator Document Store’s properties if the defaults are unsuitable (see Configure an Operator Document Store).
  3. Provide operator access to the document store (see Associate an Operator Document Store with a User or User Group).

    Depending on the system set up, each operator can access multiple Operator Document Stores—a personal document store, group document stores, and a global document store.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021