Specify a Constant Color Value

You can map a color to a cell if the field Type supports color values and the client application that is to use the Grid’s data can decipher the data as color values.

Be aware that the results of color expressions are displayed as raw integer values in Data Grid Lists.

To simply map a particular color value to a cell in a Data Grid:

  1. Ensure that the field Type is set to ‘Color’ (see Use the Field Properties Window).
  2. Right-click on the required cell in the Data Grid.
    A context sensitive menu is displayed.
  3. Select the Color option.
    The Color window is displayed.
  4. Use the Color window to select an existing basic or custom color, or to specify a new custom color (see Using the Color Window).
  5. Select the OK button on the Color window.
    The Color window is closed. The expression in the Data Grid cell uses the built-in RGB function to return the selected color.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021