Stand-Alone Method Calls

‘Stand-alone’ Method Calls are sometimes used to execute methods (actions) during testing or commissioning. On systems that are running the Pager driver, Method Calls can also be used to trigger actions remotely, by SMS (Short Message Service) text message.

Method Calls work in a similar way to other actions, except that their functionality is triggered by an ‘Execute’ command. Any arguments used for a Method Call are defined when the Method Call is configured, rather than at the time that the Method Call is triggered.

To create and configure a ‘stand-alone’ Method Call, you need to:

  1. Add a Method Call.
  2. Configure the Method Call’s Properties.
  3. Save the configuration.

Geo SCADA Expert supports a wide variety of actions and methods.

By default, each database item is provided with a set of ‘core’ and, where applicable, driver-specific action(s) (methods)—see the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to ViewX and Virtual ViewX Clients and the relevant driver guides for further information.

To trigger an action immediately when an item changes alarm state, you need to configure a Method Action (see Configure a Method Action to Trigger at Every Alarm State Change).

To associate several ‘custom’ actions with a database item, see Using the User Methods Tab to Define Custom Actions.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021