Types of Value Map

Refer to the driver-specific documentation for information on whether the driver for which you are mapping data supports Value Maps or Filtered Value Maps. Also refer to the driver-specific documentation for information on which Value Map(s) or Filtered Value Map(s) each driver supports.

The type of data that you can map to a Value Map or Filtered Value Map varies, depending on the application. Where supported by the application, you can map different data types to each Value Map or Filtered Value Map. For example, in addition to mapping single-bit values to a BIT Value Map, you might also choose to map 1-bit of a byte value to that BIT Value Map.

Each slave driver supports one or more of these types of Value Map and Filtered Value Map:

Type Description

BIT Value Map

Maps single bit binary data.

BYTE Value Map

Maps 8-bit values.

DINT Value Map

Maps signed 32-bit values.

REAL Value Map

Maps IEEE floating point values.

UDINT Value Map

Maps unsigned 32-bit values.

WORD Value Map

Maps unsigned 16-bit values.

Filtered BIT Value Map

Maps single bit binary data.

Filtered BYTE Value Map

Maps 8-bit values.

Filtered DINT Value Map

Maps signed 32-bit values.

Filtered DOUBLE Value Map

Maps IEEE double-precision (64-bit) floating point values.

Filtered REAL Value Map

Maps IEEE floating point values.

Filtered String Value Map

Maps text string values.

Filtered UDINT Value Map

Maps counter-type point data.

Filtered WORD Value Map

Maps unsigned 16-bit values.


You might decide to:

Map a digital value into a BIT Value Maps

Map an analog value into a WORD Value Map

Map a Variable into a WORD Value Map.

For information on adding any of the above to your Geo SCADA Expert system, see Add a New Value Map.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021