Define the Manual Control Settings for an Internal Analog Point

An Internal Analog Point is a point that only exists within the software—it does not physically exist on a system and is not associated with plant (see Internal Points).

To set the value of an Internal point, you ‘hand control’ the point value. Specify the hand control properties using the fields on the Manual tab of the Internal Analog Point Form.

  1. Either:
    • Select the Hand Control check box. Operators whose User Accounts are allocated the Control security permission for the point will be able to ‘hand control’ the point’s value, using the Hand Control pick action.


    • Clear the Hand Control check box if the value of the Internal point is not to be controlled using the Hand Control pick action. Logic or a data access application can be used to set the point’s CurrentValue property directly (see Internal Points).
  2. In the Maximum field, specify the highest value that can be assigned to the Internal point.
  3. In the Minimum field, specify the lowest value that can be assigned to the Internal point.
  4. If the Hand Control check box is selected, use the Confirm combo box to specify whether a confirmation dialog box is displayed whenever an operator attempts to hand control the point (see Requesting Confirmation of Action Requests in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration).
  5. Either:
    • Select the Log Hand Control Events check box for Geo SCADA Expert to log an event each time that the point’s value is set. This provides a historic record of when and by whom or what application the Internal point was hand controlled.

      Be aware that if Logic or a data access application sets the point’s value, the severity with which that action is logged depends on the Severity that is specified for that application (see Internal Points).


    • Clear the Log Hand Control Events check box if Geo SCADA Expert is not to log any hand control events in the Event Journal.

      ATTENTION: Clear the Log Hand Control Events check box if an application sets the point’s value on a frequent basis. This will help to prevent Geo SCADA Expert from logging numerous events relating to the point’s value being set.

  6. Save the configuration (see Saving Configuration Changes in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to Core Configuration).


Geo SCADA Expert 2021