Configuring a Report that Queries a Historic Table

In order to update a report in the Geo SCADA Expert database, ViewX has to remain running while the report is being edited in the Crystal Reports application. As each report has to be saved using its original file name, we advise that you use the Crystal Reports’ Save, rather than the Save As option, to store your reports.

When configuring a report that queries a historic table, take care to adhere to the Important Guidelines on Configuring and Generating Reports. Reports that query a historic table and are inappropriately configured can affect system performance.

You configure a report that queries a historic table in a similar way to other reports (see Configure a Report that Queries a Historic Table). As with other large or complex reports, you need to Restrict the Amount of Data that is Queried in a Report. You should include these restrictions as soon as you create a new report entry in the Geo SCADA Expert database.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021