Decide Whether to Refresh Data or Use Saved Data

When viewing a report using the Preview tab, you may be asked whether you want the report to be populated with previously saved data or if you want to refresh the data.

If you Refresh the data, the Crystal Reports application retrieves fresh data from the Geo SCADA Expert server—with large or complex reports, this may take some time, and may have an adverse affect on the system communications (see Important Guidelines on Configuring and Generating Reports).

If you choose to use saved data, the Crystal Reports application uses the data that it last retrieved for the report and does not access the server again before re-displaying the report. Using saved data in this way is often sufficient when checking out changes that are being made to report configuration, and avoids disrupting system communications unnecessarily.

Turn off the Save Data with Report option (File menu) when you have finished editing a report. This helps to prevent ‘old’ data from being stored with a report.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021