Export the Report in Microsoft Excel Format

It is imperative that formatting of reports that are to be exported to Microsoft Excel is precise. Any objects that are not aligned on such a report may cause the exported version of the report to include blank or mis-aligned rows and/or columns. Ideally, use the Snap to Grid feature on the Options window to help position objects accurately.

If Geo SCADA Expert is to export a report in Microsoft Excel format, use the Format field on the Export Format tab to specify the Microsoft Excel format.

When the Format is set to Microsoft Excel, the tab displays these fields:

Use the fields within the Column Widths section of the tab to specify:

Use this field on the tab to specify whether Headers and Footers are exported with a report:

If the export Version is 97-2003, use these fields to specify additional properties that define how Excel handles the exported information:


Geo SCADA Expert 2021