Save Configuration Changes

You generally edit reports on a ViewX client (workstation). When you edit a report, select Save, rather than Save As, to ensure that any changes that you make are stored in the Geo SCADA Expert database.

ViewX needs to be running on clients that are being used to edit Crystal Reports. If ViewX is not running, any changes made to that report could be lost (as ViewX transfers the changes back to the server database when the Save option is selected.) If ViewX is closed while editing a report, it is possible to recover any changes that were made to the report after ViewX was closed (see Retain the Latest Changes to a Report Should ViewX be Closed).

ATTENTION: Do not use the Report Creation Wizards in the Crystal Reports application (except for adding any subreports). This is because the wizards produce new reports, rather than modify the current report. Instead, you use a series of ‘Expert’ windows that allow you to configure various features in your reports.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021