The Naming Convention used for Database Tables

Many tables in the Geo SCADA Expert database start with the letter C.

Tables that contain general, rather than driver-specific information are sometimes prefixed with the letters CDB.


The table CDBObject contains fields that are common to the items in the Geo SCADA Expert database. For example, Name, FullName, and ConfigValid (which indicates whether the item has valid configuration).

The table CDBPointSource contains information about the source of each point in the database (the source is typically the outstation, PLC, or scanner with which a point is associated).

(When you use Crystal Reports’ Database Expert window to specify which table(s) a report is to reference, you will need to expand the Core, Historic, or HistoricView entry in the list of Geo SCADA Expert data sources, in order to display the lists of ‘generic’ tables—tables that contain general, rather than driver-specific information (see Provide Access to the Relevant Database Tables).)

Tables that contain driver specific-information are prefixed with the letter C, and are generally followed by the driver name.


The table CDNP3Point contains fields that are associated with the various types of DNP3 point.

The table CDNP3ChannelDirect contains fields that are associated with DNP3 Direct Channels.

(When you use Crystal Reports’ Database Expert window to specify which table(s) a report is to reference, you will need to expand the driver entry in the list of Geo SCADA Expert data sources, in order to display the list of tables that are associated with a particular driver (see Provide Access to the Relevant Database Tables).)

Typically, the more specific the table name, the more specific the information that the table contains.

Take care when adding tables to Crystal Reports, and only select those table(s) that are the most appropriate. Use the Database Schema (see Access the Database Schema in the Geo SCADA Expert Guide to the Database) for reference when choosing the table(s) that you require for your reports.

Further Information

Custom Tables and Fields.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021