The Server Fails to Export Reports via E-Mail

NOTE: This section only applies when Geo SCADA Expert uses the server’s Windows MAPI settings to export reports via e-mail. You can specify whether reports are to be exported to e-mail using Windows MAPI settings (the default) or SMTP (see Configuring Crystal Reports Server Settings).

Crystal Reports requires a third-party e-mail client to be configured to enable it to send reports via e-mail, using the server’s Windows MAPI settings. Some e-mail clients have security settings that stop third-party applications from sending e-mails without notification. Both Geo SCADA Expert and Crystal Reports require any e-mail transmission to be a seamless process, whereby no dialogs are displayed as a result of an e-mail being sent.

To export reports via e-mail, you need to set up mail for the Windows® user that is specified for printing on each server. Also, the e-mail recipient(s) need to be configured to receive e-mails (see Export the Report in an E-Mail Message).

If your Geo SCADA Expert server has an e-mail client installed, e-mail security may produce a message requesting whether to allow the server to send the e-mail that is exporting a report. To avoid these dialogs (‘security prompts’) occurring automatically, you need to disable this aspect of e-mail security. Refer to the documentation supplied with the e-mail client for information.

If an e-mail client does display a dialog whenever an e-mail is sent, one of the following will occur:

The ‘hanging’ occurs because the e-mail client is waiting for a response to its security prompt. As Geo SCADA Expert runs as a service, it does not interact with the desktop, and therefore does not display the security prompt that is generated by the e-mail client.

‘Hanging’ might also occur if an e-mail client generates a diagnostic message should an error occur when it attempts to send an e-mail.


Geo SCADA Expert 2021